A self-centered person is no fun to be around. If you’re guilty of being like this, or you know someone who is, it’s time to do something about it.
Egocentric. Individualist. Self-centered. Selfish. Arrogant. know it all. Arrogant. Whatever you call it, they all mean the same thing. Being a self-centered person can be great for you, because it puts you in the center of attention, but for everyone else, it’s a real nightmare.
The truth about being a self-centered person
If you refuse to accept that you are, in fact, not the best in the world, here’s a warning: There are 7 billion people in the world, and chances are high that someone will be smarter than you, or better-looking than you. , more powerful than you, richer than you, and more likable than you too.
What can and will make you stand out from the crazy crowd is how decently you behave, no matter what your achievements are.
There is no need to boast. There is no need to tell others how much you have done or to act as if you are the only one capable of doing it. Because at the end of the day, no one really cares what award you won, how much money you made, or the people you know.
You’ve probably been told on more than one occasion how annoying your behavior is or how overbearing you can be. So now it’s time to do a little self-assessment and find out why people are reacting so negatively towards you.
What are the causes of self-centeredness?
Of course, you may wonder how people become self-centered in the first place. Is being self-centered a personality trait they are born with, or does something happen along the way that causes the change?
There is a lot of evidence to suggest that self-centeredness develops over time depending on their upbringing, with some cases being so severe that a person’s self-centeredness results in a personality disorder.
However, this is not the only answer to how people become self-centered.
How do people become self-centered from loneliness?
You may wonder how this can happen. If someone has spent a certain amount of time alone, he will become self-reliant, but why would he become self-centered as a result?
This won’t be the case for every person who has gone through a lonely time in their life, but it can be a switch that causes them to focus solely on themselves rather than surviving.
As we said before, from trauma comes coping mechanisms, one of them is self-centeredness. It’s a protection technique, a way of keeping them away from harm, almost like a wall they build around themselves.
Depending on the degree of trauma, they may end up turning inward, so focused on themselves and not daring to open up to others.
Self-centeredness is also a symptom of people who may suffer from psychological illnesses such as addiction, depression, anxiety or personality disorders.
When thinking about how people become self-centered, use a degree of caution… there is no single right or wrong answer.
We are all unique, each one of us is unique. What makes one person angry hardly makes another person hesitate, what makes one person very happy has no effect on another person. This is what makes us special.
Specific circumstances in one’s life can have different effects; A trauma can easily make a person quite self-centered as a defense mechanism but have no effect on anyone else.
Is it good to be self-centered?
This is not an easy question to ask because it really depends on the person and their situation. So, sometimes it is good to be self-centered, but most of the time it is not.
It’s okay to be self-centered when you’re in a relationship with someone who is self-centered and controlling.
So, part of being self-centered may be loving yourself enough to stand up for your own wants and needs and not let people take advantage of you. Everyone should do this out of self-love, but not necessarily self-centered.
However, if you are a self-centered and controlling person, this is not good. It is never okay to take advantage of other people and disregard their feelings, wants and needs in favor of your own.
Signs that a person is autistic
Self-centeredness puts you ahead of everyone else. It is assumed that you are more important, but it also goes a little deeper than that.
Here are some characteristics of a self-centered person.
1. Defensiveness
2. Thinks the whole world revolves around him
In any life event, a self-centered person will only want to focus on how it affects them. They think they are the center of the universe, and nothing else matters except their own needs.
3. Bullying
Self-centered people can also be quite bullying towards others. In any relationship or friendship they will dominate the entire scenario.
4. Always think they are better than everyone else
If someone has something that they think is better or of higher quality, a self-centered person must have that thing. If it isn’t, it’s because they think they have everything and are better than everyone else.
5. They use others to get what they want
They have no problem taking advantage of other people. If they think that using others will get them what they want or where they want to go, they will do it.
6. Believe that their opinion is correct
If you’ve ever met someone who is self-centered *or if you are yourself*, you probably know how extremely manipulative they can be.
If someone disagrees with them on something, they will not accept the other person’s opinion. This is because they “know” they are right. They close themselves off from other viewpoints because they are never wrong in their own eyes.
7. Doesn’t empathize much
Empathy is the ability to see things from other people’s perspective, not just your own. And self-centered people can’t do that.
To be empathetic, you need to be other-oriented, and this trait is a stark contrast to their selfish ways.
8. Will gladly tear someone else down to lift themselves up
9. Can be arrogant and overconfident
Although self-centered people generally have low self-esteem, they also appear to be arrogant and overconfident.
This trait can be difficult to see because self-centered people tend to pretend to hide their insecurities. Despite this, they behave as if they are better than everyone else.
10. selfish
Not surprisingly, self-centered people are selfish and will do what they want, no matter how much it upsets or affects those around them.
11. One-sided conversation
For most people, it is important to have equal exchanges during a conversation.
But self-centered people tend to dominate the conversation and don’t let anyone else say a word. Be it talking about themselves or something that interests them, they tend to monopolize every conversation.
12. Does not reciprocate efforts
13. Lack of consistent perspective
Most people try to see life from a perspective other than their own. They can step back and see the bigger picture. But self-centered people can’t do this because they lack perspective. They only see their own desires.
14. Thinks the rules don’t apply to them
Because self-centered people think they are better than other people, they think they don’t have to do what the “average” person has to do. Therefore, they think they are above following rules and that they do not apply to them – only to others.
15. Indiscreet
16. control
Because they think they are above other people, they feel they have the right to control other people. They are constantly telling others what they can and cannot do, because they think they are the “king” or “queen” and other people are their subjects.
17. Unable to receive or respond to feedback
They shut down and don’t think there is anything wrong with them, so they brush it off.
This behavior is not always malicious. For example, you may be going through a difficult period in your life. You show signs of this type of behavior to help you cope.
How to stop being such a self-centered person?
The truth is that people are complex. You may not notice at first that you show signs of this type of behavior. Someone with a narcissistic outlook on life is certainly unaware of this.
When you experience a traumatic event in life, it is important not to turn off your empathy. We all go through difficult times and struggle with problems. The best way to do this is to embrace the people around you and be open-hearted and kind.
By allowing yourself to become self-centered and withdrawn from people, you create a pattern of behavior that will escalate over time.
Here are actions you can take to stop being self-centered, or at least become more aware of your attitude, so you can take the necessary steps to change it.
1. Start paying attention to how people react to you
Pay attention to their tone of voice and see if their answers are curt. These are clear signs that they are on the verge of moving away.
As emotions are telling, don’t forget to pay attention to their body language. Nonverbal communication is equally important to find out how someone feels about you.
Positive cues include plenty of eye contact, leaning toward you, and standing with your legs slightly apart, with your arms loosely at your sides. Taking part in the conversation is also a good sign.
Keep in mind that it’s not just about how people react to you in the present moment, but also when you’re different.
Take your friends and coworkers, for example. Do they initiate contact and meetings with you? If there’s ever a get-together, are you one of the top invitees?
2. Put yourself in the other person’s shoes
Let’s say you’re out for coffee with someone and they’re telling you about their bad day. Think about what you would want to hear in response if you were the one sharing.
Would you want that person to hijack the conversation and make it all about them? And would you want that person to ignore everything you just said and bring up a completely unrelated topic?
If you’re trying to be less self-centered, one way to do this is to put yourself in the other person’s shoes. Listen to what your friend is saying, smile, nod, and contribute to the conversation by politely asking relevant questions and giving good advice without talking about yourself.
3. Remember that people have their own lives too
People have to deal with their own ups and downs. It’s completely normal to want to be in the company of people you like, but don’t hold it against them when those people don’t have time for you.
They are not being fooled by declining your invitation. They are just living their lives.
Always be sure to consider the situations of the people you’re talking to because you never know how selfish you sound until you hear it from someone else.
4. Know the people around you
From coworkers to neighbors to the parking lot attendant you see twice a day, be friendly. Don’t you find it strange that you see these people regularly, but you know nothing about them?
Everyone probably knows your life story because of your storytelling style, but whose life story do you really know?
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