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35 things you must know to prepare for it and have a relationship without regrets

Casual sex is fun as long as there are no emotions involved. Here’s a guide to having casual sex while keeping your heart and mind in good shape.

You see, the problem many people have is that they believe you have to be in a relationship first to have sex, and many cultures even encourage marriage before sex! Although this kind of situation works for many people, it doesn’t work for everyone.

Many people are not comfortable committing to someone without knowing whether they are sexually compatible or not. Even more people just like sex, and are not interested in having only one sexual partner for their entire life.

What is casual sex?

Now, let’s answer the next question: What is casual sex?

People may describe casual sex as sexual activities that occur outside of a committed relationship. This usually happens between strangers who have no intention of developing a romantic relationship. Casual sex can refer to a variety of sexual and intimate behaviors, including intercourse.

In short, casual sex is:

1. sex without commitment

2. having sex with the intention of having children

3. sex without the intention of marriage

How common is casual sex?

The Journal of Sex Research and Care found that young adults ages 18-25 who had attended at least one year of college:

1. 35% said they had casual sex in the 80s and 90s.

2. 45% said they had casual sex between 2004-2014.

The number of sexual partners and frequency of sexual encounters remained stable between the Millennial and Gen-X groups.

Why do people choose to have casual sex?

Why is casual sex so popular? For some people, the appeal lies in the non-committal and easygoing attitude.,A chance to release difficult feelings and play with sexuality. But sometimes, it’s just fun to hang out with someone new.

1. They don’t want to be tied down

Many people enjoy the feeling of not having to commit to anyone. They like the ability to do what they want, when they want, and can ask someone to come according to their schedule, without complaining that they are too busy.

2. It fits their life perfectly

3. They don’t want to commit before moving forward

As time goes on, casual sex seems more ideal. If you are about to move to a new city or country, there is no point in tying yourself to a serious relationship. Casual sex allows you to meet new people and satisfy your sexual needs without getting entangled in the complicated trap of long distance dating.

4. They hate how complicated relationships can be

For people who are struggling with trust issues or find it difficult to go on a date, casual sex is the best option. Hooking up is a way to sample relationships to see if they fit you, like trying on clothes in a store. If you don’t enjoy it, you can return it without any hassle.

Some people may find serious relationships very emotionally draining, and their lives become extremely complicated. With casual sex, you can discover yourself and focus more on yourself. You can have sex with the same person or with different people without any attachment. Its all up to you.

Do’s and Don’ts in Casual Sex

For the record, there’s nothing wrong with waiting until you’re in love to have sex. There’s nothing wrong with being interested in fun, casual sex, either. But if you’re really considering a casual hookup, here are important rules to keep in mind.

1. Be prepared

If you’ve had sex before, but not casual sex, you need to be aware of what you’re doing. Sleeping with someone just for fun may seem like an ideal situation, but there are still many risks involved, including the obvious risks of STIs and pregnancy.

2. Keep the conversation light

If you’re having sex with someone just to vent your frustrations, you don’t need to know them on a personal level. Avoid deep conversations, especially if you are someone who can connect easily.

3. Stick to sexual activities that both of you are comfortable with

Casual sex is not the time to try new things. Some people say it is, but it’s better to try new fantasies and entanglements with someone you trust and know well. This is not the best situation for all of them.

4. Establish boundaries

There are a lot of emotions that can come up with casual sex and, at first, you might not be expecting it. So, make sure you set boundaries to protect yourself.

If someone starts getting a little too close, set a boundary for them and step back. Maybe you even have a rule about not kissing on the lips if that feels too intimate to you.

5. Be clear in your expectations

Have this conversation from the beginning. If the person you’re having casual sex with is looking for something else, it’s not worth it just to see if they can handle it. Always be honest and break the relationship if necessary.

6. Don’t be late

Don’t be tempted to stop for breakfast or go out for lunch. Do the work, get out of there, or get them out of there. It may sound cold, but that’s exactly what casual sex is.

7. Read the room

The last point brings us to this point very neatly. Read the room and figure out what to do after the fun is over. Do they want you to leave immediately or should you stay a bit if there’s another round on the horizon?

8. Don’t make it awkward,Understand it’s not serious

It’s just sex. Don’t make it awkward by trying to share stories from your life or wanting to know more about them. You don’t need to know anything else other than when you were last tested for STIs.

9. Keep your hands off the keyboard!

Don’t make a habit of messaging or emailing them afterward and stay away from any mention of them on social media. If you do this, you are blurring the lines and setting yourself up for a fall.

If you’re only focused on casual sex then the only contact you have is a message asking them to come over. That’s it.

disadvantages of casual sex

If you can keep your emotions out of it, casual sex can be extremely satisfying and provides a no-strings-attached way to satisfy your sexual needs. But this does not mean that there is no danger or harm in it.

1. Someone always develops feelings

Well, not always, but most of the time. In this situation, you have to end it and walk away. If one of you doesn’t want a serious relationship, this won’t work.

2. You feel jealous even when you’re not attached

This is a sign that feelings are developing in you. But this is also quite natural.

3. It’s hard to talk about boundaries

You’re not particularly close to this person, so having a conversation about boundaries can be awkward. Still, you have to do it if you want to stay away from problems and keep the arrangement comfortable for both of you.

4. STIs can be hard to detect

First of all, always practice safe sex to completely reduce the chances of spreading an STI.

But if the worst happens, figuring out where it came from can be very difficult. You must also inform all your sexual partners, whether one or more, so that they can get tested.

5. There are too many phone numbers to keep track of

If you expand your casual sex arrangement to multiple people, that’s a lot of communication. You might message the wrong person and it’ll be awkward when they show up at your door.

6. Slutty insults from other women

Unfortunately, not everyone will agree with your choice, and as a woman, it may be even more difficult. Other women may embarrass you to your face or behind your back.

7. Trust is an issue

You simply don’t know enough about the person or people you’re choosing to have casual sex with, so how can you be sure you can trust them?

8. It can be difficult to communicate your needs

Again, this is due to not knowing them well and not trusting them. You need a safe and trusting environment to be able to express your needs, both sexual and otherwise. Therefore, this type of system is often devoid of it.

9. They may have strange attractions

Now, we’re all into exploring your fantasies and fetishes, but casual sex arrangements aren’t really the time or place.

10. Sex may not be as good

The best kind of sex usually happens with someone you love and trust, so casual sex is unlikely to be the most amazing sex you’ll ever have in your life.

Maybe not always, but it’s very possible that your casual hookups won’t affect your mind to the extent you expected.

11. You may not be ready

Casual sex is usually quite spontaneous, so when your ‘special friend’ sends you a message and asks if you’re ready for some fun, you may not be completely ready.

You may not have shaved your legs, your hair may be sticky, and you may be feeling less than your best.

12. You may feel self-conscious about your body

Again, we’re back to trust. If you’re with someone you don’t know well, you may start to feel a little insecure or self-conscious about your physical imperfections. We all have them!

This may affect how much you enjoy sex.

where to find casual hookups

Finding someone to have casual sex with is surprisingly difficult for most people. You often hear people saying how hard it is to convince someone to sleep with you, and how rich people/hot people have it easier.

This is a misconception—it turns out that it’s hard to find a casual date for everyone, and it’s always fraught with the possibility of rejection.

Location also matters. If you’re in a big city, you’ll probably have about 300 prospects in one night alone.

Now, where do you find those people? Absolutely anywhere. The issue is whether or not they are interested in the same thing you are interested in.

1. Online Dating

Online dating is either the best or the worst, depending on who you ask. There are many sites and apps available to find love and they are filled with people who actively dislike casual hookups.

That being said, online dating is an easy way to bypass the dating stage to get to the hookup stage.

As far as convenience goes, online dating can’t be beat. You can find someone suitable for what you are looking for in just a few minutes without leaving your home.

2. Bars

As the old saying goes: If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. People have been going to bars for hookups for years. These places are perfect for extroverts, and over-consumption of alcohol coupled with low lighting is a surefire recipe for a hookup.

Most people who go to bars are ready to meet new people. The setting is not as intense as it is in clubs. Themed bars are great too,Karaoke bars have a lot of girls, while sports bars have a lot of guys.

But it’s important to note that being completely annoying is not a good way to find a casual hookup. For one thing, no one is at their most attractive when passed out drunk.

For another, alcohol lowers inhibitions *and standards* in a major way. This means that you may choose an option or a few options that you would never choose in moderation.

3. Club

People who hang out in clubs have a tendency to get drunk more than people who go to bars. This can often be a problem.

Remember – casual sex and a drink or two go great together. But casual sex and dirty drugs don’t do that. The good thing about being in a club is that your inhibitions disappear faster, which means your chances of hooking up become higher.

4. Twitter

modern world…

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