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21 facts and truths that will make you a unique person, knowing everything

We always hear that ‘size doesn’t matter’ but you may wonder if your penis is average or whether you are small or large. Here’s the lowdown!

Ever since the world has been changing, men have been concerned about the size of their penis. They want to know that they are not smaller than the average penis, and preferably larger. You can tell them that size doesn’t matter at all!

How to measure your penis size

If you want to know what your penis size really is, you will need a tape measure and a ruler. Now, there are many urban legends about how to measure yourself, but the simplest and most accurate way is to use a ruler to measure length and a tape measure for circumference.

Take the ruler and press it as close to your waist as possible, i.e. the part where your penis meets your waist. Then, measure from base to tip. This is the length of your penis.

What is the average penis size?

You might be wondering how anyone can tell the average size of a penis overall. Well, let’s just say they surveyed a lot of men!

But, for your convenience, here are the average penis measurements. How do you measure up?

– average erect penis Is 5.17 inches long.

– average flaccid penis Is 3.61 inches long.

– average Circumference of an erection gender Is 4.59 inches.

Furthermore, there are two types of penises: shower and grower. And both are absolutely normal.

You may be wondering what size of manhood pleases women. Well, that’s like asking what the world’s favorite color is!

Every woman will tell you something different or about her. But remember—it’s not the size that really matters, but what you can do with it.

What affects the size of the penis?

So, now you know the average penis size, what usually determines the size?

let’s explore.

1. Caste does not matter

2. Height may be a factor

If you’re going to compare anything, it should be height. Several studies actually found that height is somewhat related to penis size.

3. It’s not about the feet

All studies done on the average penis have shown that there is no relationship between the size of a man’s feet and the size of his penis. Stop staring at people’s feet, now you know the truth.

4. Smoking can stop penis growth

If your penis is probably smaller than average size and you smoke a pack a day, quit smoking as soon as possible. If you smoke, you may have an average-sized penis. But smoking actually makes your penis one centimeter shorter.

5. Your penis may shrink in cold weather

When the weather gets colder, chances are you’ll notice that your little guy is looking a little, well, smaller. This is because cold temperatures can cause blood vessels to close, causing the penis to shrink. But don’t worry, this is only temporary until the temperature changes!

6. Arousal level

Obviously, when a man is aroused his penis appears larger than when it is flaccid and not aroused. This is a basic fact that affects all people, whether they have an average gender or not.

7. Your penis may get smaller as you age

Sorry, but that’s just biology. Many things change in size as you age, and the penis is no different!

8. Don’t let your weight weigh you down

Many people think that a man’s weight affects his penis size. Well, it happens and it doesn’t. First of all, it doesn’t affect it in terms of actual size.

But when a man is overweight, his penis may appear smaller due to fat accumulation at the base.

9. Erectile dysfunction can cause more problems than you know

Erectile dysfunction causes trouble getting hard, staying hard, and going the full distance. However, if it remains so for a long time, it can also cause penis shrinkage.

10. What about medicines?

We’ve all heard of Viagra, but this drug doesn’t make your penis bigger, but rather helps you last longer. However, there are some medications that can have an adverse effect on penis size, meaning they can cause your penis to become smaller.

11. Your diet matters to some extent

Sorry to break it to you, but eating a healthy diet will not make your penis grow. However, it will help you maintain stronger erections for a longer period of time. Not a bad compromise, right?

12. Natural or circumcised?

You may be wondering what is normal – circumcised or natural. Listen, both are normal.

Penis size does not determine how long a man will last in bed

You may think you get things done very quickly, but honestly, the average guy can’t last long anyway. Sure, you may have a large penis or an average penis, but at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter.

But size matters in one case: when it comes to getting a woman pregnant. If your penis is long, your semen has a better chance of reaching the sacral egg.

Can you increase the size of your penis?

There are many pills, pumps, and even weights available on the market that claim to help make your penis bigger over time. It’s certainly tempting, but there is no evidence to support these claims.

Basically, whatever you have been gifted is what you have received. You cannot increase the size of your penis by taking pills or using a pump.

Fun facts about gender that you might not know!

The penis is a strange and wonderful organ and there are some strange interesting facts about it that you might not know.

So, now that we’ve talked about the average penis, how big it is, how wide it is, and the myths about whether or not you can make it bigger, let’s end on a light note.

Let’s learn some fun facts!

1. When a man ejaculates, the average speed is about 28 miles per hour!

3. The scan shows the fetus in the womb with a fully erect penis! In fact, it is not unheard of for baby boys to be born with an erection.

4. Have you ever heard of ‘Terminal Erection’? Well, this is the erection that some men have when they die. Attractive, right?

6. A man has an average of 3-4 erections while sleeping. And no, it doesn’t mean he’s having a bad dream.

7. If you are concerned about penis size, don’t be. Your penis is always twice bigger than you think; Half is inside your body, hidden from view.

8. Reforms are not always directed upward. Pointing up, down, left or right is completely normal!

Love your penis, no matter its size

There’s not much you can do about the size of your penis; You are stuck with it. Don’t be fooled into thinking you can make it big with weights, pills, pumps or anything else the marketing would tell you about. Instead, learn to love it!

We’ve said it before, but it’s more about what you can do with your penis, not how big it is. There are very few *if any* women on this planet who care that much about the size of a man’s member. They really care how you use it.

So, focus on that and stop worrying about size!

Listen, your penis is probably fine. So, don’t worry if you don’t fall into the “average gender” category. At the end of the day, it all depends on how you use it.

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