
Debate erupts over laptop being destroyed while sitting in the back seat in front of an airplane passenger

Oops, he didn’t see that coming!

A Delta Airlines passenger was left shocked when his MacBook Pro’s screen cracked mid-flight. The incident occurred while podcast host Pat Cassidy was flying from Austin, Texas to Los Angeles, California on a Delta flight.

Podcast host Pat Cassidy shared on Twitter how the reclining seat facing him caused his MacBook Pro’s screen to shatter, which he says ‘ruined his livelihood.’

“@Delta Small note for the suggestion box, maybe it could have a small warning sign or somehow keep my laptop from getting destroyed when the person in front of me sits in their seat,” he wrote.

He posted a photo of the broken screen and explained how the damage left him with a barely usable laptop.

To make the situation worse, Cassidy said the flight attendant showed little sympathy towards her.

“I really appreciate that your flight attendant came over and told me that the passenger in front of me “needs to be able to lie down” and then asked her “is she OK?” As if your seat saved my livelihood. You haven’t wasted it.”

He added, “@Delta Silver Medallion members here, how many SkyMiles is a brand new MacBook Pro?”

Cassidy tweeted another, “@Delta, let me know who I can email about this? You’ll know it’s me because at the bottom of the email it will say ‘Sent from my iPhone.’

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The Twitter post quickly gained popularity and he later gave an update on what happened.

In the comments, some Twitter users wondered if Cassidy brought the broken laptop onto the plane and later took the photo to try to get the airline to pay for a new MacBook Pro.

One user commented, “This is my biggest travel pet complaint. I think it’s rude to recline your seat.”

Another user replied, “I think it’s common sense not to open and lean your screen against the seat for this reason.”

“It’s called a laptop for a reason,” one X user pointed out.

After Cassidy’s post went viral, a Delta customer service agent responded to her on X, asking,

“Goodness! “Did you talk to any gate agents or Red Coats about the damage when you got off the plane?”

He suggested she fill out a complaint form “so someone can evaluate the damage and reach out to you.”

In a later update, Cassidy claimed, “Delta is offering me the equivalent of a $75 gift card and an explanation you would give a six-year-old. Cold.”

He also attached a screenshot of an email, presumably from Delta’s customer service team, which read:

“I’m sorry that your laptop broke due to another passenger lying on your seat. “It is not fair when one person’s behavior affects another person. Please be aware that personal property damaged during flight as a result of a passenger’s actions cannot be reimbursed. We regret the inconvenience this may cause you.”

The podcast host was also given 7,500 “bonus miles” to add to his SkyMiles account.

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Source: (X ex Twitter)

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