Bad friends can ruin your confidence in friendships, but once you recognize them, you can move away and try to build relationships with the right people.
We meet many people in life, at work, through mutual acquaintances, and even the occasional friend of convenience who you meet and stay connected with. But in all these relationships, there are some types of bad friends that you definitely can’t do without!
The good side of having good friends in your life
Good friends can be your greatest allies in life. Apart from supporting you and providing useful advice, they are also there to be there for you in both good and bad times.
They can act as your support group, your shopping buddies, shoulders to cry on, and people you can spoil and do a little favor for just because. If you have people like this in your life, consider yourself lucky!
But along with good friends, there may also be some toxic people lurking in your social circle. Bad friendships really are the worst.
They are the ones who bring you down and make you feel unwanted. They are friends who bring nothing but trouble. And they are the ones who are so selfish that they think the world will love them unconditionally.
Why you should never tolerate bad friends?
If you want to make your life better and richer, surround yourself with positive people who truly care about you. This is truly the basis of a good, happy life.
Here are the reasons why you should never tolerate terrible friends:
1. They’re tiring
When you’re around negative people, they behave like “energy vampires.” In other words, they suck all the life out of you.
2. They pull you down
If they are that tiring, it will drag you down too. Perhaps they are always complaining and negative.
Well, it can also make you a negative person because you hang out with them too much. And it’s not healthy for you.
3. They are disrespectful
Everyone deserves respect. But if you have a bad friend, you don’t get the respect you need. So, why would you want to be around someone like that? This is nothing less than a bad friendship.
4. They affect your mental health
Because you are tired of them and them dragging you into this bad friendship, it can eventually affect your mental health.
They may also make you anxious or depressed. If this negativity persists for too long, it can also affect your physical health.
Do you really need to risk your happiness to be with these friends?
If you don’t have friends, you are considered lonely or just plain weird. You might be shaking your head and telling yourself that you need friends, even though you know deep down they aren’t good for you.
But just think about this for a second. As much as you’re having fun with this person, are they still making you feel sad, needy, or less than happy in your everyday life?
Recognize the signs of a bad friendship so you can leave them as soon as possible
If you’re starting to get a little suspicious of the people you call friends, you may need to know some of the signs of a bad friend that may indicate that they’re not really a good friend at all.
1. You’re always the first one to initiate a hangout
When you’re the only one to help and, well, caregiverThis is a problem. A friend who never wants to spend time with you is probably not a good friend.
2. Your messages remain unanswered
Whenever you send messages, you rarely get replies. Then maybe a week later you’ll get a message apologizing, then you’ll realize it’s because they need something from you.
These types of people are bad friends. They don’t really care about you or how they will react no matter what.
3. They get angry at you for everything you do all the time
This is a sign of a very bad friend. They have a lot of double standards. They may ignore your messages, but they get annoyed if more than a few hours go by without you replying. This is not true friendship.
4. They don’t support your goals
Anyone who doesn’t fully support your goals doesn’t belong in your life. As long as what you want to do is ethical and doesn’t harm anyone else or you, they should be on your side.
They shouldn’t sit there and make passive-aggressive comments about it. Nor should they doubt you.
5. They’re talking bad about you behind your back
If people tell you that others are talking behind your back, then you clearly have very bad friends. If they are behaving badly towards you then they are not a friend and this is one of the signs of a bad friend.
6. They talk bad about people you care about
On the other hand, they might be talking trash to your face, just about other people you still like and care about. And you should never tolerate it. This is terrible.
It could also be your family members or other people. If they’re talking bad to you about others, they’re probably talking bad to others about you too. Get rid of those terrible friends.
7. They stop you from having fun
If they are filled with only negativity, they will prevent you from having a good time. This is how these types of people work.
8. Their drama always leaks into your life
Even if you have nothing to do with their other group of friends, you still somehow get caught up in their drama. When someone makes your life worse instead of better and adds more harmful things to it, they are not a good friend.
9. You feel like you don’t really have any friends
Even though you have people you call “friends,” you still don’t feel like you really have friendships. If you feel lonely even when you’re surrounded by those people, we hate to tell you, but you have awesome friends.
10. You feel judged for your choices
Most people understand the feeling of being judged. You are afraid to open up to your friends because you fear they will judge you too harshly and make you feel bad about things.
If this is your case, then you really don’t have good friends.
First of all, you should always feel comfortable going to your friends about anything. That’s the whole point of making friends, isn’t it? So that they can help you.
11. They don’t make you feel better when you’re upset
One of the best things about having good friends is being able to confide in them. When you can’t do this or you know that your friends will only make you feel bad, then they are not good friends.
12. Your problems don’t matter to them
If you are going through a crisis but your friends don’t care, it means you don’t have friends. You have people who just call themselves your friends. More likely they are very selfish people.
13. You would rather relax alone than be with them
If you don’t want to meet your friends and don’t want to spend time alone because of how negative you feel whenever you’re around them, then this is a big red flag.
You should spend time with your friends. You should be around them and have fun with them. If you would prefer to be alone, there is a real problem here.
14. Other friends are pointing out the problematic person
15. They always leave you waiting
If your friends are bad, they are probably always late to meet you.
You arrive on time but they leave you there waiting for them for what seems like forever. And of course, you feel angry because you could be doing something else with that wasted time.
16. They give you the silent treatment
If your so-called friend is angry with you, he may not even tell you. They think you should have it figured out when they treat you with the silent treatment.
Even when you ask what’s wrong, they either won’t tell you or they won’t accept your apology.
Giving someone the silent treatment is disrespectful. This is worse than yelling at them, because at least when you’re yelling at them, you’re acknowledging their presence. But when they ignore you, it’s like they’re pretending you don’t exist.
17. They are not self-aware
Everyone else can see how negative they are. All you see is their bad behavior, and it’s quite obvious to you, but not to your so-called friend. They have no idea how they are behaving because they have zero self-awareness.
18. They are selfish
This is definitely a sign of a bad friend. Some people are “givers” and some people are “takers.” If you’re a giver, your bad friend is probably a “taker.”
They have no problem being selfish. Everything is about them, and they don’t care about your needs at all.
19. They take advantage of you
If they need to borrow money, they have no problem calling you for it. Or, if they need a ride somewhere, they’re the first person they call. They always take advantage of you and make you feel used,Like a doormat.
It is never okay to take advantage of other people. It’s a terrible thing to do. So, if you feel that your friend is taking advantage of you, it is time that you stop doing things for them.
20. You imagine life without them and love it
The Kind of Friends You Need to Unfriend for Your Sanity
Sometimes, you need to eliminate some of the wrong types of friends and move away from them. Yes, it will hurt. Yes, you may feel lonely for some time.
But, in the long run, you will be happier and in a better place in your life.
Do you want to know the different types of friends you need to stay away from? Here are 25 types of bad friends that make your life a little worse every time you hang out with them.
1. Selfish friend
This is the type of bad friendship to have with a person who thinks everything revolves around him. They only hang out with you or do things when it suits their own purpose, and they won’t be caught doing something nice for someone else unless they have an ulterior motive.
2. Always unavailable friend
You know that person who always wants to be together, but when you try to make plans, they remind you of how busy they are?
Their calendar is never cleared, but they still want to be on your friends list… without doing any actual friending activity, that is. This is nothing less than a bad friendship that is taking advantage of you.
3. Pretend Lover
This is that friend who has an excuse for everything. They couldn’t get to you? There is an excuse. They lied to you about something and you caught them? There is an even bigger excuse.
4. Destroyer of self-esteem
True friends will love you just as you are, but bad friends will wreak havoc on your self-esteem to protect their fragile self-esteem.
Whether it’s fat-shaming or pointing out all your flaws on a regular basis, this friend needs to be kicked to the curb.
5. Bad advice counselor
This friend always gives you the worst advice, and they profit from your life mistakes. They might make you break up with your boyfriend, or make you believe that your girlfriend is cheating on you, just because sadness likes company.
6. The lonely friend who abandons you when you’re in a relationship
This person emerges only when he is alone. Try to approach them while they are in a relationship and be prepared to listen to radio silence.
7. User
This “friend” uses you as a wingman/lady, to buy drinks at the club, as a designated driver, and the list goes on.
They won’t go out with you unless you have some kind of benefit for them. It doubles as a selfish friend, and they…
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