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29 Secrets to Safe Sex and Dangerous Dangers of Unsafe Sex That Most People Don’t Know!

Safe sex means more than having condoms on standby. Here’s everything you need to know to keep you and your partner healthy during and after sex.

Most of us have had “the conversation” before. Be it with our parents or someone older and wiser, we all know that unprotected sex is bad. If you’re one of those people who ignored the awkward lecture to save yourself the embarrassment, we’re here to tell you how to have safe sex.

Sex can be a tricky beast. While the act can send shivers throughout your body with a mind-blowing orgasm… it can also leave you prone to illness, morbidity, and crippling emotional confusion.

Who needs safe sex?

Learning how to have safe sex applies to more than just high school students. This is something that happens constantly every time you go to bed with someone.

Even if you’re using some form of birth control and getting regular STD testing, you may still be at risk! Sexual health is very volatile and can surprise you when you least expect it.

how to have safe sex

So, how can you avoid the dangers of bland sexy time and reclaim the joy of orgasm? We’re looking at all the ways to have safe sex in almost every possible way!

1. Know your situation

If you are sexually active, the first thing you should do before having sex with a new partner is to get updated information about your sexual health. Regular STI testing is important. Your symptoms may not appear for weeks, months, or even years, while you may have unknowingly shared it in the meantime.

The only way to be sure is to get tested for your STI status before having sex with multiple partners *or a partner who has had multiple partners!*.

2. Communicate before anything else

Whether you’re having sex for the first time or you’re working with a new partner, it’s always important to communicate with them before you get to the fun.

Be honest about your sexual past and experiences, your preferences for contraception, and be firm about your decision to practice safe sex. You will need an open and honest line of communication, so make sure you hear feedback from them too.

For example, is he willing to wear a condom? Is she taking pills? Do you also agree about what would happen if pregnancy occurs? Do they have a history of STDs? What about HPV?

Always know what you’re doing, and know your options whenever you have sex. [Check out: Don’t let your partner’s sexual history drive a wedge between you]

3. Go on birth control

Nowadays, birth control has become a symbol of respect for women. After all, what could be sexier than an independent woman who knows how to take care of herself and cares about her sexual health? The most well-known birth control type is the pill, but the market is expanding.

Whichever option you choose, make sure you see a health care professional to get informed advice. They will discuss your lifestyle to guide you toward the birth control method that works best for you.

Although everyone raves about birth controls, they come with side effects as well as STD protection. So you better use those condoms along with your favorite birth control!

4. Always, always, always use condoms

The most effective way to protect yourself from STDs and pregnancy after orgasm is to wear a condom! Yes, even if the girl is already taking birth control pills.

Since we’ve all seen the awkward “condom on a banana” display, we’ll give you an explanation on how to wear one. But, we should point out some things that most people ignore when it comes to the efficiency of wearing a condom:

1. Make sure to leave enough space at the end of the condom/head of the penis for sperm to collect.

2. During intercourse, be careful when pulling out after intercourse. Wrap your fingers around the base of the condom to make sure it slips out of her easily and doesn’t bunch up and spread sperm everywhere inside her!

4, Condoms exposed to direct sunlight will deteriorate and may break, so be sure to store them in a cool, dry area. They also wear out from friction, so take them out of your purse and put them on your nightstand!

5. Use lube

Lubricant not only makes fun time more fun, but it can also help you avoid chafing during sex. An open cut during sex is an invitation for an STI.

When using lube with condoms, make sure you read the instructions on your condom box to make sure you are using the right type of lube. Some lubrication types, such as oil-based lubes, are more likely to cause condom wear and breakage.

6. Use barrier methods during oral sex

Although you can’t get pregnant from oral sex, you can still get a nasty STI. Simply put, when you have oral sex you still need to follow the same precautions as when you have penetrative sex.

You should also wear a condom during oral sex. Yes, it may not feel like it, but your priority should be about protecting your sexual health. Some condom companies even make flavored condoms for this occasion.

Dental dams are a great alternative to vaginal oral sex. This method of protective oral sex allows you to feel the magic of the tongue and the warmth of the breath while keeping both of you blissfully safe.

7. Remember precum

Do you think you’re safe from the pregnancy bug, just because you’ve done some naked grinding without penetration? Sorry to say, but sperm cells are flexible little suckers.

Although your chances of getting pregnant with the pull-out method, or while grinding naked, are low, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. If your man comes anywhere on or near your vagina, even without penetration, they may still find a way to put bread in your oven.

8. Practice anal sex safety

There are many health concerns when it comes to anal sex, including tears, infections resulting in HIV, cancer, hemorrhoids, fecal factors, and all the bacteria.

One of the dangers of anal sex is that the skin inside the anus is incredibly thin. So, be gentle and use plenty of lube. Any kind of break in the skin can result in a nasty infection that you’ll want to avoid.

9. Keep your sex toys clean

Whether you and your partner use toys together or you’re going it alone, taking care of your sex toys is a part of staying safe during sex.

While it’s no surprise that your sex toys can’t get you pregnant, they can spread infections if you’re not careful.

Be sure to read the instructions that came with your toy to make sure you wash it properly as different materials require different care. And always clean them after each use. Failure to do so can result in some nasty bacterial infections which you definitely don’t want.

10. Be careful with feminine hygiene products

You should really avoid vaginal cleansing rituals unless recommended by a healthcare provider. Products marketed for “deep cleaning” of the vagina may do more harm than good. In fact, these can have dangerous consequences.

Scented products like soaps, sprays, deodorants and wipes are just infections and chemical irritations waiting to happen. Rituals like douching are extremely dangerous and harmful to your reproductive health.

The vagina is a self-cleaning organ. When you use cleaning products in it, they remove the normal, healthy and natural bacteria needed to fight many diseases and infections in your vagina. Douching in particular has been linked to cancer and reproductive problems, in addition to countless other infections.

unsafe sex risks

If unprotected sex is so dangerous, why do so many people do it? The answer isn’t just one thing, it could be a few different things like missing a birth control deadline or a condom breaking. Whatever the excuse, unprotected sex is dangerous.

If you ignore the dangers of unsafe sex from your teachers, parents, or even your doctor, now is the time to pay attention. These are the biggest reasons you need to come up with the next time you want to have fun with someone.

1. Unplanned pregnancy

2. Sexually Transmitted Infection *STI*

Sexually transmitted infections are infections that are spread from one partner to another through sexual contact. STIs can vary in severity and can lead to permanent health conditions such as infertility if left untreated.

The types of sexually transmitted diseases are wide-ranging, but some commonly known diseases are gonorrhea, chlamydia, genital warts, pubic lice, and syphilis.

Some people may go years without showing symptoms of a sexually transmitted disease, which is why it is even more important to have regular health checkups and follow safe sex practices.

3. Urinary tract infection *UTI*

Urinary tract infection occurs when bacteria enter the urinary system and find a place to grow. This can happen during sex in women *and less frequently in men* when bacteria from the rectal area are pushed toward the urethra.

Although it is a common sexually transmitted infection, there are some steps you can take to reduce your risk.

For example, practicing safe sex, such as thoroughly cleaning sex toys after each use and using safe types of lubricants, are great ways to prevent this painful infection.

UTIs are not STIs, which means they cannot be passed from one person to another during sex. However, this does not make them any less dangerous. Untreated UTIs cause irritation and infections in the kidneys and bladder.

4. Human immunodeficiency virus infection *HIV*

HIV is a virus that attacks the body’s immune system and its ability to fight disease and infection. There is currently no cure for HIV, but it can be treated and controlled under the right medical care. If left untreated, HIV can lead to Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome *AIDS*.

To prevent HIV, it is important to practice safe sex by talking to your partner about their sexual history. And regular sexual health check-ups are extremely important. HIV symptoms can disguise themselves as common cold or flu symptoms, so the only way to know for sure is to get tested.

5. Infertility

What to do after having unprotected sex?

If you find yourself having unprotected sex, there are some steps you can take. Now is not the time to panic!

1. Pee after sex

Urinating after sex is an important practice, whether you have protected or unprotected sex. This is because bacteria can enter your urethra during sex and you may be at risk of getting an infection. When you use the bathroom afterward, your urine flushes the harmful bacteria out of your system.

2. Consider emergency contraceptives

If you have had unprotected sex, using emergency contraception should be considered. Especially if there is a suspicion that he did not withdraw the penis during sex *We do not endorse this method, but we know it exists*.

Emergency contraceptives such as Plan B *levonorgestrel* and ella *ulipristal acetate* are recommended to be used within five days of unprotected sex, the sooner the better to prevent unwanted pregnancy.

Make sure you explore your options and monitor the expiration date closely as well as pay attention to side effects. If you have access to your healthcare provider, you will need to consult with them about your best contraceptive option, although Plan B is available without a prescription if needed.

3. Take a pregnancy test

Now, we know how scary pregnancy scares can be. You might want to run to take a pregnancy test right away, but that will only tell you lies…

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