
44 How to deal with signs, causes and spiritual narrowingists

You have heard about narrowness, but have you ever met someone who hides it behind spirituality? Spiritual narrowness is not always clear.

Spiritual narrowing

Never tried to meditate, only chanting “Ommam” to finish to scroll through your east Instagram feed? Yes, we are all there. Now, this picture: What if someone not only claimed that his attention was on the game point, but also insisted that his internal Zen made him practically a living, breathing Buddha? This is spiritual narrowness. Yes, this is a real thing.

You may think that spirituality is about humility, love and mutual relations, but like low-growing jeans and molds, spirituality can also be badly wrong.

What is spiritual narrowness

You have heard of drugs. You probably had misfortune to share a relationship with a lift or someone. But what happens when a narrowist walks in a meditation cycle? Fireworks? Enlightenment? No, you get a spiritual narrowist.

First, let’s put a spotlight on the normal drugs. In psychological terms, narrowness is not only about taking too much selfies. It is a complex personality characteristic.

It is as if he is the star of his own film, and all the other people are just one extra.

Now, what happens when such a person catches yoga mat and a Tibetan singing bowl? Enter spiritual narrowness. These people use spirituality as another tool to make spirituality better and unique. They are not just enlightened; They are “better” enlightened.

As is unclear, spiritual narrowness is supported by educational studies.

Researchers in psychology have mentioned that spirituality can be coemed as a method of self-prosperity, essentially something for personal development in another feather in the evergreen hat of the narcissist.

Signs of spiritual narrowing

Trust us, if these people came with a bright halo of narrowness, it would make life very easy, but unfortunately, it is not always clear to identify them. So, what can we see?

1. A sense of moral superiority

Classic “I am Holier-Sen-Thu” attitude. A spiritual narrowist believes that his spiritual practices make him better than others.

2. Lack of sympathy

You think someone who is in spirituality will be about understanding and compassion, right? not so fast. A spiritual narrowing can look sympathetic, but it is often a performance.

3. Equilize using spirituality

Imagine that someone is advising you to stay in a bad relationship because “there is karma to solve your souls.” Using spiritual jargon to justify bad behavior or manipulate situations for personal gain is a hallmark of spiritual narrowness.

4. Excess on public rituals

Spiritually loves the narrowingist optics. You will find them in front and centers in every public spiritual program, which will capture every moment for social media eagerly.

While there is nothing wrong in sharing your spiritual journey, a consistent need to show every good work or spiritual insight is suspicious.

5. Individual responsibility

In a bizarre twist of fate, spiritual narrowing often protects their actions from cosmic forces or spiritual jargon from personal responsibility.

6. Gatekeeping spirituality

“Oh, have you not heard of this ultra-rair meditation technique?” You should be a spiritual novice. ,

Spiritual parochialists often established themselves as mediation of “authentic” spiritually, which others do not to be “advanced”.

7. Reluctance to hear

Spiritual parochialists often consider themselves on experts, okay, everything is spiritual. So when they “hear” you, it is usually just a formality, before they tell you with their intellect.

If you have ever felt that your words are just a placeholder until they can speak again, you can talk to a spiritual narrowist. In fact, it is less about dialogue and more about monopoly for them.

8. Continuous requirement of verification

One can think that in fact a spiritual person will get verification from high power or from within. But for spiritual narrowing, external verification is the name of the game.

9. Afflicted mentality

Never heard the phrases, “You will not understand, you are not spiritually as I am”? When caught by the wrongdoing or criticism, spiritual narrows often depict themselves as misunderstandings.

10. Inability to handle criticism

While they specialize in fulfilling spiritual advice, spiritual narrowingists are often hypersensitive in any form of criticism. Even a gentle suggestion can be met with a defensive defensive response.

A true spiritual path often involves self-examination and development, but does not expect a spiritual narrowist to look like this.

11. Uniqueness and elite

If you are not part of their spiritual ‘internal circle, then you are not just “enough enough”. This is a divisive strategy that can be insufficient or left to others.

12. Physical to spirituality

Spiritual parochialists often brag about how much they spent on spiritual retreat, how many sacred texts they are, or their organic, locally citrus meditation tag of citrus meditation cushion.

For them, spirituality also becomes another way to accumulate physical condition symbols.

13. Zero accountability for followers

If you have ever been told, “If my teachings are not working for you, you are not spiritually ready,” you have met a spiritual narrowist who avoids accountability.

Instead of addressing potential flaws in their teachings or considering feedback, they blame any lack of progress on the follower.

You have faced such a spiritual leader, even if you follow the umbrella of faith – these behavior is not limited to any one practice or tradition.

14. Conditional generosity

Their philanthropism comes with attached strings and is often leveraged for social or spiritual brownie points.

15. Spirituality

Ah, “anything you can, I can do better” attitude, but with a spiritual turn. Whether it is the number of hours spent in meditation, mastery in yoga, or spiritual books are read, a spiritual narrowness always wants to do others one by one.

If you mention an insight or experience, expect them to churn with something that they consider to be more deep or ‘advanced’.

16. Baseless sense of entitlement

Spiritual narrows often act as the universe, which gives them to their spiritual practice. You will demand them special treatment or acting such as rules do not apply to them.

17. Intellectualization of spirituality

Some people find spirituality in the simplicity of a moment. Not spiritual narrowing. They prefer to use complex jargon and philosophically to make their spirituality intellectually superior.

While spirituality can actually be deeply intellectual, in this case, it works to object rather than clarifying.

18. Publicly *humble *humble *

You know the man who says, “I still have to learn a lot” while mentioning carelessly that they have participated in ten spiritual retreat this year?

It is a humble – a way of looking humble while just bragging. Spiritual parochialist is the owner in using false humor as a timid form of self-promotion.

19. Shallow emotional reactions

They can cry dramatically during a public prayer, but show very little real feeling in more individual, intimate situations.

20. Disregard

You will expect someone to declare a deep level of spirituality to follow some moral or moral principles.

However, a spiritual narrowist is often a set of flexible “morality” that easily changes to their needs. While they can preach about karma, they feel that they are somehow exempt from its laws.

Caused by spiritual narrowness

So, you have met some Buddha Wannabes and you are wondering, “How did he get this way?” Great question! Understanding psychological causes can provide valuable insight.

1. Nature vs. Nutrition

Do people produce spiritual narrowingists or is it a learned behavior? Most experts agree that this is the same of both. Genetics can inspire someone to personality symptoms like intoxicating, but environment and upbringing play an important role.

For example, a family is being raised in a family that emphasizes external verification on internal values, leading someone to spiritual narrowness.

2. Ego defense system

A spiritual narrowist can project his own insecurity on others *”You are not spiritually developed as I am!”

These mechanisms help to maintain their own bloated meaning, allowing them to continue their spiritual practices without facing their own hypocrisy.

3. Delicate self -esteem

There is often a delicate self -esteem under that bloated ego. The spiritual aspect gives them a socially acceptable structure to seek constant verification and feel better.

Their self-values ​​are very dependent on being seen as spiritually enlightened, which creates a vicious cycle that is difficult to break.

4. Anatomy

Emotional intelligence is an important factor that often lacks spiritual narrows. Although they can excel in imitating sympathy or compassion, their disability in really feel and process these emotions leads to shallow interaction.

5. Unresolved trauma

Unresolved trauma can sometimes appear as spiritual narrowness. The individual can use spirituality as a form of escapeism, to avoid dealing with the underlying issues.

Spiritual practices and moral high land they believe that they serve as a mask to hide back, making them difficult to face and solve emotional pain.

6. Fear of vulnerability

In depth, spiritual narrows are often afraid of vulnerability. Spirituality becomes a fort where they can feel invincible, bypassing the need for real emotional relationships.

7. Need control

Let’s talk about control. Spiritual narrows often use their “superior” spiritual knowledge to control and manipulate people and manipulate people.

The need for control lies in deep psychological issues such as anxiety or heavy fear of chaos, such as deep psychological issues. For them, spirituality becomes a tool for enlightenment to increase control rather than a path.

8. Attachment issues

Let us start with attachment theory, which suggests that initial relations with carers can shape personality and behavior later in life. People with unsafe or disorganized enclosure can struggle with intimacy and faith.

9. Existence concern

Ah, big questions in life- who am I? Why am I here? For some, survival anxiety may be heavy.

10. Social reinforcement

Last but at least, let’s talk about good ol ‘social reinforcement. In some circles, being “spiritual” comes with piles of social awards – physical benefits such as advice, meditation, even book deals or influential conditions.

This positive response loop can eliminate and accelerate symptoms of spiritual narrowness. Because, hey, if you are liked and follow for your “enlightened” tweets, why stop, right?

How to deal with spiritual narrowing

Ignoring them is an option, but let’s become real – you are going to interact with them at some point. Here is told how to navigate that spiritual minfield:

1. Emotional limits

First and most important, install strong emotional …

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