
38 Real Ways to Get Over an Ex-Girlfriend You Can’t Stop Thinking About

You are sad about your breakup and want to know how to get over your ex-girlfriend. You can move forward and be happy with these tips.

how to get rid of ex girlfriend

As men tend to show themselves to be masochists, breaking up can be really hurtful – especially if he has decided to leave and move in with you on your way out. If you know how to do it right, figuring out how to get over an ex-girlfriend can be bearable and even fun.

The thing is, you never know how hard it will be to get over an ex until you break up.

Think about it, it’s surprising how the relationships you thought wouldn’t be so bad turn out to be the ones that end up causing the most harm, isn’t it?

Perhaps mutual breakups are easier on the heart. However, most of us feel after a breakup as if our hearts have been ripped out of our chests and then crushed again and again. For every couple that breaks up and remains friends, there are hundreds of other people who are just as badly hurt as you are right now.

Why can’t you stop thinking about your ex-girlfriend?

You’re probably beating yourself up wondering why you can’t get over your ex-girlfriend. Other people seem to move forward too quickly, so why can’t you do the same? Here are some reasons you can’t.

1. You haven’t let go yet

You still maintain love for her and hope that she can come back to you. If you keep holding on to false hope, you will never get over your ex-girlfriend.

2. You feel lonely

When you get used to being around one person all the time, a breakup leaves a void in your life. You no longer do the things you used to do together. You feel the lack of constant companionship.

3. You are afraid of being alone

Because you’re probably alone, your mind keeps going places you don’t want it to go. Depending on your age, you may wonder if you’ll ever meet Ms. Wright.

Being alone is probably not something you enjoy. You love being in a relationship and are afraid you won’t find someone else.

4. Reminds you of the good times

When you’re lying in bed at night, your mind automatically replays all the good moments you spent with him. You’ll think about your first date, your first kiss, and your first time having sex.

If you keep thinking about all the good times, you’ll never get over them. Your mind will just be stuck thinking about the past and it will not allow you to move towards the future.

5. You lost confidence during the relationship

Maybe you have gained some weight since you were together and you don’t look as good as before. She may not be very nice to you and may put you down sometimes. Either way, you may have lost some confidence.

6. You don’t get closure

If he suddenly broke up with you, you may have been completely blindsided. You weren’t quite prepared for the breakup, so you didn’t realize how it happened.

If she’s unwilling to give a solid explanation about why she wants to break up, you definitely didn’t get the closure you needed. There is still a deep wound in your heart, and it needs to be healed back by permanently closing the door to the relationship.

7. You’re mourning the prospect of a relationship

You have to think about whether you’re grieving His Or the loss of what life could have been like in the future. Either way, you’re still thinking about what you lost and what will never be.

8. You keep thinking about your regrets

It is possible that something you did or did not do in the relationship is why he broke up with you. Were you selfish? Lazy? Did you play video games 24 hours a day and ignore him? Were you verbally abusive?

9. You’re still talking to him

If you’re still talking to her, it’s no wonder you can’t get over your ex-girlfriend. Even if you are not with him, he is still a part of your life. Talking to him may give you false hope that you will get back together.

If you really want to get rid of him, you have to stop talking to him. It will be a constant reminder of what he and you used to have. You will never get over your ex-girlfriend if you don’t stop.

Best Ways to Get Over Your Ex Girlfriend

Do his thoughts still creep into your mind through small cracks and bother you endlessly?

Here are some tips for anyone who is having difficulty getting over their ex.

Use these tips and you’ll be able to deal with it as you move on to the next catch!

1. Avoid him and his friends

We know you’re hurting. You yearn to touch him or spend a few moments with him again.

Women *and men* love to humiliate exes and treat rejected lovers like stray dogs. *Gasp!*

For your own sake, stay away from his area unless you want to be thrashed in front of everyone.

Even if your ex-girlfriend has good-looking friends with whom you are very friendly, stay away from them too. You can hit them later, but only after several months.

Until then, they are still his loyal friends and will be impressed by his side of the story.

2. No contact rule

If avoiding him and his friends isn’t enough, you may have to delete his number. Do it now. If you don’t do this, chances are you’ll just type her name into your phone and press dial.

Don’t send a message to a friend asking for your ex’s number. Do not try to email them. Just cut off all communication. The worst thing you can do to hinder the process of moving on is to call your ex, reminisce about the good times, and get sucked straight into a bad yo-yo relationship that only got better for both of you in the beginning. Wasn’t working for anyone.

If your ex-girlfriend is connected to you on social media or anything else, erase all signs of her existence. Being a man, you are expected to play nice and avoid confrontation with a girl, which can be difficult when she starts playing her own games after a break-up.

Girls usually pretend to be extremely happy and celebrate their new single life by pasting party photos and photos of small vacations with other guys on their Facebook walls.

As much as you know this trick, it can make your blood boil. You may lose your temper and start a full-blown confrontation on a public social network.

And then, he will get the chance to chase you away like a stray dog ​​on social media or by sending messages to his friends. Stay away from unnecessary abusive disputes.

3. Call your crush

This is definitely great if you want to get rid of your ex-girlfriend. All men know how exciting it is to have a great conversation with their crush.

The feelings may not be mutual, and your crush may not love you just because you are single and ready to meet each other.

Having your crush sweet talk you and call you all kinds of cute names is definitely a turn on that will make you forget your bloodthirsty ex-girlfriend, wouldn’t you say?

4. Compliment other women

As men, we know that women are definitely the most beautiful thing to grace the planet Earth. Hey, they’re also the cause of global warming, right?!

Praise them. Look at a girl’s bust as she goes up the escalator, and look at her long legs as she walks past you. You could never do that when you were with your girlfriend, could you?

5. Date other girls

There’s nothing like dating other good looking girls after a breakup that can lift a man’s spirits. Try getting a few pity dates with your crush, or try meeting someone new for a date.

6. Sleeping with someone else

For men, sleeping with a new girl has a lot of stimulating effects that can help calm the mind and cause temporary amnesia when it comes to thoughts about an ex-girlfriend. .

Do you know any girl who likes you? Do you have a friend who wants to join your sheet?

Boom! Just jump right in – no questions asked, no numbers exchanged *unless you want to*. Get in, get out, and clear your head. If you’re coming out of a long-term relationship, chasing girls and living the single life can be a great experience.

7. Spend time on the Internet

Do whatever you like on the internet. Watch some *good movies* and admire some properties, read trivia, or watch some webcams with girls who like to take their clothes off.

It doesn’t matter what you do as long as you’re not feeling lonely being home alone.

Always know that the thought of your girlfriend will come to your mind only when you are feeling lonely or sad. As long as you avoid these lonely moments, you will remain a happy young person surrounded by beautiful company, wherever you are.

8. Hang out with your friends

Call up friends you’ve probably neglected since you got into the relationship. Grab a few drinks, go to the beach, watch some soccer games together, and just kick back with the guys.

Bitch about your ex-girlfriend, talk about other women, and brag about other girls you’ve met. In no time you will find that your ego is increasing and your pain is decreasing.

9. Never be alone

If you really want to get over your ex-girlfriend, you probably already know this. While blank walls and empty beer cans may seem strangely attractive after staring at them for half an hour, you have to remember that thinking about your ex-girlfriend makes you feel more sad and vulnerable.

For all you know she’s probably having a good time with a new guy. Thinking about him will make you want to call or meet him again and we know how it will end. It will make you look stupid, weak and like a stray dog ​​on the street.

We’re not saying that this is the best way to get over an ex-girlfriend, but we are definitely saying that this is the easiest and most fun way to get over her.

10. Remind yourself of all the awesome times you spent with him

You obviously broke up for some reason. Things aren’t rosy every day, otherwise you’d probably still be together.

11. Go to the gym to blow off some steam

Most of the people *boys and girls* become a little satisfied with their body when they are in a relationship. Not paying attention to how your body looks can really mess with your self-esteem after a bad breakup.

Don’t move around and let yourself down. Go and get a new gym membership and start working on the body you had in high school.

12. Remind yourself and accept that this is real

Shut down. Let your ex know that this is a real breakup, not just a break. Don’t leave the door open for getting back together. If things got so bad that they broke to begin with, it’s hard to imagine a scenario in which things get better instead of worse.

13. Don’t try to get your stuff back

just leave it. Obviously, if you’re in your room at the time of the breakup, don’t immediately walk out and drop everything. If you left your belongings there for more than two weeks, either leave them forever or ask your ex to pack them in boxes and send them to your new address.

Don’t invite them to deliver it yourself. Instead, ask friends or pay someone to collect your stuff if necessary, but avoid going back to the apartment yourself.

If you step into that apartment, all the memories of your relationship will come back and attack you at once, whether you want them or not.

14. Leave everything that is a reminder

Photo from your vacation in Hawaii? Burn it. The sweater he bought you for Christmas? Give it to the Salvation Army.

Stay away from anything that brings back strong memories of your ex. Of course, don’t be stupid about this. If she brought you a Ford F-150, you shouldn’t be taking it to the junkyard!

15. Get busy with life

Try to keep yourself…

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