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30 Date Topics To Talk About If You’re Drunk That Should Be Avoided At All Costs!

What if you were having drinks with your date and your inhibitions slowly started to slip away? Here’s a guide to what to talk about when you’re drunk.

In the adult world of dating, it’s important to be conscious of things to talk about when you’re drunk. It’s not like your teenage years when you could sleep because of shyness and headaches. Now your date will be remembered and your friends will remind you of your actions.

Getting wasted is not an option, as maintaining decorum is essential, especially in front of colleagues, friends and more importantly, your date.

Sometimes you can’t completely avoid getting drunk. There will be times when you want to drink more. The main thing is to control your level of intoxication and more importantly, the words that come out of your mouth.

First of all drink plenty of water. Use it as a chaser. Drink water from the bathroom before fixing your makeup. Do whatever it takes to hydrate.

Second, if you’ve already drunk too much, throw it away – in the bathroom! You will know when.

What does it mean to talk while drunk?

So, what does it mean to get drunk and engage in conversation? It seems like a universal experience – the buzz of wine loosens the tongue and turns usually reserved people into garrulous philosophers or clowns. But why is it so?

When alcohol enters your system, it doesn’t just make you feel dizzy or dizzy, but it also triggers a more complex conversation in your brain.

Alcohol affects the central nervous system and alters the brain’s neurotransmitters. It’s like turning on a switch in your brain, dialing up the parts responsible for critical thinking and self-control, and activating areas that encourage feelings of euphoria and relaxation.

Reducing barriers plays an important role in conversation dynamics. Not only are you more talkative, but you’re also more likely to share personal stories or opinions, which you can heed more closely.

That’s why it matters to think of the right things to talk about when you’re drunk. It’s like walking a tightrope – on one hand, there’s the risk of oversharing or saying something inappropriate, and on the other, there’s the opportunity for real, unguarded conversation that can bring people closer.

Knowing your audience – in this case, your date or friend – is important. You will want to avoid topics that may cause discomfort or argument. Instead, focus on lighter, more universal themes.

Think about shared interests, funny anecdotes, or even casual observations about life. These topics keep the mood good and ensure that the conversation remains enjoyable for everyone involved.

What to talk about when you’re feeling drunk?

For that reason, we’ve put together a list of what to talk about when you’re drunk when you’re feeling a little tipsy on your date. Hopefully, this will make some sense despite the lack of restraint:

1. Adventures you have had in the past

Now that you’re a little – or a lot – drunk, funny drunken stories can be the starting point for your next conversation.

This way, your date will learn something new and unexpected about you and vice versa. Just make sure you’re actually calm enough to keep the crazy stories under control.

2. Funny stories related to work

Don’t worry! No one is going to listen to you at work – unless you’re at your coworkers’ local watering hole. If not, move on! If you’re really worried about what to talk about, this is fun.

3. Politics

Some people hate talking about politics, and that’s totally understandable. But remember, you’re drunk! Nothing you say can be held against you!

Just remember not to be upset if your date turns out to be a supporter of the opposite political party. Plus, it can be really arousing! You’ll be surprised at how deep and emotional your date can be, especially when you’re debating for or against an idea.

4. An unpopular opinion

Discuss this. Have a friendly debate on this. For some reason, alcohol makes people a lot smarter – or at least makes people bold enough to speak up about something or someone.

5. Mystery

You know what they say about drunk conversations being real conversations. Getting drunk on a date doesn’t have to mean having sex at the end of the date. This means you finally have a chance to get answers to some questions you knew you couldn’t ask sober.

6. Anonymous friend

Of course, stories about your friends are just as fun! Just make sure not to give away any details if they meet in person. Hopefully, this will just be a conversation about fun quirks, incidents, and anecdotes.

7. Food

This is probably the best topic you can choose when having a conversation while drunk. You can talk about any topic without criticism because you ate salad for dinner. You can make a six-second video discussing that pastry you tried to recreate for $50 when you could have bought it for $6.

8. How do you really feel about this person

We’re not talking about sweet feelings. I’m talking about raw, pure, expression of interest, charm and insight. This is the perfect time to tell someone how much you like them, but in a direct and non-emotional way.

9. Travel Dreams and Adventures

It’s a great topic to discuss your bucket list destinations or reminisce about past travel experiences when you’re feeling excited. This conversation can take you and your partner from your barstool or couch to different parts of the world.

It sparks curiosity, leads to exciting exchanges about cultures, food, and experiences, and often reveals a lot about a person’s interests and worldview.

This is a safe zone, where heated arguments or uncomfortable moments are unlikely to occur. Sharing travel dreams can also pave the way for future adventures together.

10. Favorite Movies and TV Shows

Talking about the latest hit series or your favorite classic movie can be a great way to bond when you’re a little tipsy. This is a light, enjoyable topic that many people can contribute to. You can find common ground or introduce each other to new viewing material.

Discussing characters and plot can also lead to fun, imaginative conversations. Plus, talking about movies and TV shows is a great way to gauge someone’s tastes and sense of humor.

11. Hobbies and passions

When you’re relaxed, sharing your hobbies and passions can make for a really engaging conversation. Whether it’s painting, hiking, or playing an instrument, discussing what you love to do can reveal a lot about your personality and values. It’s also a great way to discover shared interests or learn something new about an unfamiliar activity.

12. ‘What if’ scenario

Engaging in imaginary ‘what if’ scenarios can be an entertaining and thought-provoking way to interact when you’re drunk. “What if you won the lottery tomorrow?” Questions like or “What if you could live in any era?” Stimulate the imagination and can lead to humorous or informative discussions.

These scenarios often reveal deep values ​​and desires, and they’re a great way to break away from traditional small talk. Also, they are versatile and can be made whimsical or serious as per the mood.

13. Musical preferences and concert experiences

Music is a universal language and discussing your favorite bands or concert experiences can be a great bonding experience. It can be extremely tempting to share playlists, discuss different genres, or recall the best live performances you’ve seen.

This is a great way to discover new music and understand the cultural or personal significance behind one’s musical tastes. Plus, discussing music is usually a safe bet to keep things friendly and entertaining.

14. Latest tech gadgets and innovations

For people who love technology, discussing the latest gadgets or technological innovations can be incredibly tempting. This can range from discussions about the latest smartphone features to electric vehicles or space exploration. It’s a topic that’s constantly evolving, ensuring there’s always something new to talk about.

Such discussions can be quite animated, especially if you are both tech enthusiasts, and they offer a glimpse of how each person sees the future.

Not only that but talking about technology is also a great way to learn from each other and share useful tips or interesting facts.

15. Personal development and life lessons

Although it may seem a little deep for a tactical conversation, discussing personal growth and life lessons can be surprisingly uplifting and bonding.

These conversations often lead to mutual respect and deeper understanding. Just remember to keep the tone light and positive to ensure the conversation doesn’t become too heavy for a busy setting.

What not to talk about when you’re drunk?

Yes, you are drunk. Yes, you may say some things you’ll regret. Still, reading this list three times might make you stop and take a second before starting a topic you wish you hadn’t.

1. Exile

When you don’t know what to talk about, stay away from it. First of all, this date is about the two of you. This is not about your past. Everyone wants to discuss about their past, but no one wants to hear about your past.

So, when the thought of cursing your ex comes to your mind, please try to keep your lips closed. There are several reasons why this is a bad idea, such as:

– You’ll bring out the crazy in no time and scare off your date.

– You may feel sad thinking about your former partner.

– It is possible that your date starts talking about his/her ex-partner and you start comparing yourself with them.

– This is not going to end well.

2. Your appearance

3. What do you hate about life

No one wants a negative drunk person in the room – a person who complains about everything and everyone.

You can do this humorously, but if you’re drunk, you’ll look like an old man clutching his creaky joints.

4. What don’t you like about the opposite sex

By putting that thing on the table, especially while intoxicated, you could say something offensive. Just tell your date what you like about their penis. Specifically, everything you had noticed about your date up until that moment.

5. What don’t you like about yourself

Talking about your looks is the same. I know it feels good to express your insecurities to someone, but it’s not worth dating to hear those things.

You have friends, right? Go tell them this! If not, simply confess online. There are many people willing to listen to you in online forums.

6. Financial crisis

It is taboo to discuss your financial troubles when you are drunk. This can spoil the mood of the conversation and make others uncomfortable. Money matters are personal and often stressful, and alcohol can lead to either exaggerated frustration or impractical solutions.

Keep the conversation light and stay away from any topics that could turn into a therapy session or finance class. Remember, a night out is about having fun, not sorting out your bank details.

7. Workplace Drama

Although it may be tempting to vent about your boss or that annoying coworker, resist the urge. Drunk conversations about workplace dramas can turn into negativity and even lead to a breach of confidentiality.

8. Religious beliefs and conversion

Deep religious discussions or attempting to convert someone to your faith can cause tension and discomfort. These topics are very personal…

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