
10 Realistic Romance Movies That Can Teach You a Lot About Love

Most romantic movies are largely exaggerated, but there are also some realistic romance movies that you can really learn from.

realistic romance movies

The idea of ​​realistic romance films or rom-coms is often mocked. The boy gets the girl. A grand gesture means more respect and kindness than months. The importance of chemistry is much more than communication.

As an avid romance movie watcher and lover, I have seen my fair share. And 90% of them, while enjoyable, are so unrealistic that they can be painful to watch.

Now, I’m not saying that the movies I’m sharing here are 100% realistic in every way, but the romance is definitely believable.

What is a realistic romance movie?

I’m sure you can spot an unrealistic romance movie from a mile away. Let’s name a few to make sure: notebook, beautiful woman, you’ve got MailNow, I have no complaints with these movies, they are actually some of my favorites.

A realistic romance film is about romance based on practicality rather than happily ever after. This is a film inspired by true events or true emotions, not dreams and fairy tales. This is a movie you can connect with.

A realistic romance movie doesn’t tell you that you can be horrible to someone and expect them to forgive you because you gave a speech in front of their coworkers. Instead, it shows how your words and actions matter.

Realistic Romance Movies You Can Learn From

Romance movies don’t have to be cheesy, cheesy and fake. Find the right ones and you can actually enjoy them as if they were based in reality.

So, whether you hate rom-coms or roll your eyes every time the couple gets together despite everything that happens in the last 20 scenes, these movies are for you.

1. my best friend’s Wedding

This ’90s classic stars Julia Roberts, Cameron Diaz, and Dermot Mulroney. From the beginning, we follow our anti-hero, Julian *Roberts*, who is determined to break up his best friend’s marriage because after many years, she finally wants to be with him.

Throughout the antics and even a classic song scene you feel like she’s going through these trials to finally be with the guy she’s been lusting after for years.

2. bridget jones diary

In case you were unaware, Bridget Jones’s Diary is based on the classic Jane Austen novel, pride and PrejudiceThe film is a reimagining of a modern theme of romance all over the world.

In a film plagued with judgment and self-pity, Renée Zellweger finds herself navigating her way through Hugh Grant’s character’s machinations and Colin Firth’s miscommunications.

3. vary

The Break-Up is a 2006 rom-com starring Vince Vaughn and Jennifer Aniston who live in a luxurious condo. Again, their long-term relationship is affected. Although over the top at times, this romantic comedy is one of the most realistic in Hollywood.

This is a couple who does not want to leave each other. They are petty, juvenile and jealous. Even though they both know deep down that they are not meant to be together, they are still comfortable and cannot move beyond the tumultuous situation. I can name five people in my life who have experienced this.

This movie is hilarious, full of weirdness. Plus, it also stars the beautiful Jennifer Aniston. But, it also shows how a real relationship evolves.

4. before we go

This is one of my personal favorite movies. This is definitely underrated. But be warned, the ending leaves a lot unsaid, but it’s impressively tied up.

It stars two of the hottest actors, Chris Evans and Alice Eve. They play two strangers who accidentally bump into each other in New York.

During the events of the night, they form a bond. They keep secrets from each other but still there is a connection and chemistry between them that cannot be missed.

But, instead of abandoning their responsibilities and running away together, they are forced to come to terms with their decisions and face their fears.

5. very sick

very sick is a realistic romance film as it is based on the true story of how co-writer and lead character Kumail Nanjiani met his real-life wife Emily.

The film starts with a meet-cute. They begin a blissful romance but end it due to cultural differences.

Shortly after the breakup, Emily ends up in the hospital with a serious illness. Although they are no longer together, Kumail remains ready to confront his assertive parents, stand up for his family, and realize what he really wants.

6. The New Romantic

This film was released only last year and is full of new faces. Instead of a fairy-tale romance, the film sheds light on dating in the modern age. This reflects the lack of romance that we often see where swiping right is equivalent to sweeping someone off your feet.

The New Romantic Follows Blake through her love life or lack thereof. She learns what romance really is and what she really wants from it.

This movie makes you question what we think is romantic and what we really want in a partner.

7. enough said

Finally, a romance starring actors over 40. That just makes it more realistic. The talented James Gandolfini and the stunning Julia Louis-Dreyfus team up to play single parents trying to find love later in their lives.

This shows you that just because you are more mature doesn’t mean you know everything. Being open and honest is front and center in this film and shows that there really are two sides to every story. It’s not the most glamorous romance, but it will leave you smiling.

8. La la Land

I know, I know, a musical can’t be a realistic romance movie, but give it a chance. I just couldn’t see what all the fuss was about La La Land. Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone are fantastic actors and the movie is beautifully shot, but I didn’t really understand it until the end.

The film depicts a couple who have their own dreams. They want to be together, but are they willing to compromise their life’s work for each other? Is there a way that they can both get what they want? Or do sacrifices always have to be made?

9. my big fat greek wedding

This movie screams 2002. It’s funny. This is ridiculous. And this is family. This film does not feature Hollywood’s most attractive actors. It doesn’t show a bad relationship working out well in the end.

10. it’s complicated

Another realistic romance film that reminds audiences that glow-skinned twenty-somethings aren’t the only ones with romance on the brain.

Meryl Streep, Alec Baldwin and Steve Martin star in this hilarious and relatable romantic comedy about dating after divorce.

It tells older audiences that love still exists. It shows young audiences that growing up doesn’t mean you stop making mistakes. And this really explains the difference between a healthy relationship and a disordered relationship.

So, which of these realistic romance movies are you going to watch tonight?

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